No me caben los pies en los tenis. Parte 2
April 19, 2023
Seguimos con el tema de la hinchazón de los pies y sus posibles razones. No solo es incómodo al ponerse zapatos, sino que pueden ser indicadores de... Read MoreOur blog offers stories from the community, updates from the Reeve Foundation, and breaking news on research.
The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.
April 19, 2023
Seguimos con el tema de la hinchazón de los pies y sus posibles razones. No solo es incómodo al ponerse zapatos, sino que pueden ser indicadores de... Read MoreApril 18, 2023
“Sometimes in life, you need to hop on the plane and see where it takes you.” Read MoreApril 18, 2023
Advice Alert! Why do caregivers take care of everyone else except ourselves, at least, I do. I'm last on the list, and you better believe something... Read MoreApril 18, 2023
Surviving a traumatic injury or witnessing a loved one go through a traumatic injury can be extremely overwhelming, and it can change our behavior... Read MoreApril 17, 2023
I have been a big fan of musical theater since I was a child, with the first musical I ever saw being Hairspray when I was around eight years old. I... Read MoreApril 17, 2023
Let’s start by addressing my newest peeve: when people tell me, “you’re eating for two!” to help justify a dessert, an extra helping, or my eating... Read MoreApril 14, 2023
Stress is a natural part of our lives, and it comes in various forms. A little bit of stress is actually beneficial as it helps us perform better and... Read MoreApril 12, 2023
James Guest, M.D., Ph.D., grew up bouncing between the city, farms, and car repair shops near Toronto, Canada. His mother tended to the home and... Read MoreApril 12, 2023
Zack simply decided one day to start dating. He made a profile on a few dating apps, posted pictures of him in his power wheelchair and hit upload.... Read MoreThe opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.