While Geoff is Not Mikaela Shiffrin…
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Here at home, we have started middle school softball and baseball, indoors, of course, until the snow on their respective fields melts away. There are spring soccer tryouts and daffodils and crocus who will try their damnedest, too, to pop up literally within hours of the snow melting. We’ve put away the winter bird feeders as our bears are waking up, and, well, I don’t want to run into one on the porch-- or in the yard, for that matter. Although, I half expected to find one sleeping in our treehouse when enough snow melted last weekend that I could open the door again. Spring doesn’t happen overnight here in northern NH, but we feel her presence in the approach, and this hope fuels our spirit for all that is to come.
Thank you for always reading our family journey, and maybe if their dad gets his picture on a box of Barilla pasta, they will revere him as much as Mikaela Shiffrin. Until then, they will just have to take my word (along with the instructors who work and train with Geoff) that people’s lives will be changed forever by those who get to ski with their dad in Finland. They will return to their home countries and bring those lessons back to all kinds of skiers there, whether disabled or not.