The Outsiders
June 7, 2023
Welcome to Pride Month! This is the month set aside for LGBTQ+ people to step out into the light and say loudly and proudly who they really are. Many... Read MoreOur blog offers stories from the community, updates from the Reeve Foundation, and breaking news on research.
The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.
June 7, 2023
Welcome to Pride Month! This is the month set aside for LGBTQ+ people to step out into the light and say loudly and proudly who they really are. Many... Read MoreJune 7, 2023
Hace tres años entraban en vigencia regulaciones de cuarentena y aislamiento social. En todo el mundo, las personas se quedaban en sus casas, usaban... Read MoreJune 7, 2023
Las personas que cuidan a individuos con lesiones o discapacidades tienen retos singulares. Puede que la vida se tenga que reorganizar para toda la... Read MoreJune 7, 2023
La forma en que los proveedores de cuidados de la salud ayudan a sus pacientes a protegerse del COVID-19, prevenirlo o tratarlo ha evolucionado desde... Read MoreJune 7, 2023
Sometimes it’s difficult to prioritize stress management. It’s not that people don’t want to reduce their stress levels, but rather the combination... Read MoreJune 6, 2023
As Superstorm Sandy churned toward the beach beside her Long Island home, Liz Treston went outside to look around. It was the first high tide, and... Read MoreJune 6, 2023
Sherman Gillums, Jr. understands that people would rather not think about disasters. Who wants to ruin their day imagining a worst-case scenario that... Read MoreJune 6, 2023
La pandemia sin precedentes causada por el COVID-19 generó un vacío para las personas con parálisis y sus cuidadores. La imposibilidad de visitarse... Read MoreJune 6, 2023
It is February 2022. I am sitting at the gate, waiting to board my flight. My wheelchair is to the right of me, with my navy-blue backpack resting on... Read MoreThe opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.