Life's Unexpected Adversities
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My life has not been what I expected it to be. Yet now at age 50, I look back and many of my life’s trials, I would not take back. When I was 14, my house burned down, we moved three times in a year, and I switched schools. I was the new girl, had no friends, and felt very insecure. My parents divorced later that year and my dog was killed by a speeding car that never even stopped. I developed an eating disorder and tried alcohol and drugs to cover up my pain. I sometimes worked two jobs during high school and my grades suffered. Eventually, I did meet friends and we are still friends to this day. I tried college but dropped out after a year and worked full-time instead. I met my husband on my eighteenth birthday and we married a year and half later. My life slowly moved into a more positive direction, especially when I found out I was pregnant with my first child (Zack).
I’ve experienced physical and mental health issues. The death of a close friend, family members dying of cancer and the sudden tragic loss of my baby niece. It’s been nine years since her death and that one is still difficult. She left behind a twin brother (who is like a son to me). His life shows signs of her missing because he was meant to have a sister. So, we will experience unexpected adversities, it’s called life.
I think about Zack when I’m feeling down. He struggles physically everyday but maintains his mental strength. He says he cannot afford to entertain a pity-party and sticks to the decisions that are best for him. Zack has been an amazing example of actions really do speak louder than words.