The Outsiders
Join Our Movement
What started as an idea has become a national movement. With your support, we can influence policy and inspire lasting change.
Become an Advocate
I am proud to be a gay man. I am proud to be a person with a spinal cord injury. I am proud of these things because I am part of communities who are strong, smart, and powerful. We don’t have it easy, but both communities have this in common: we refuse to give up. We refuse to be treated as second-class citizens.
We have learned to be proud and demand our rights. We have learned how to effectively lobby our Members of Congress and state legislators. We have learned to speak out at town meetings. We have learned to cultivate allies who, despite not sharing our “outsider” status, will fight for us and with us. We have learned to speak up as individuals and as a community to express our needs. We have learned how to navigate a health care system that would just as soon see us disappear. We have learned to take our rightful places in society, including in our churches, synagogues, and mosques, and in our government.
And most importantly, we have learned to be proud of loving and being loved, and we have learned to live full and rewarding lives.
So, make this LGBTQ+ Pride Month a celebration of our lives and our accomplishments. Have fun! And then get back to the serious business of fighting for equality.