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To be clear: my husband is supportive and he’s there whenever I need him. There’s something special, though, about being in community with people who can empathize, share mama-experiences, or just be “in it” with me. I’ve never been a fan of organized support groups or the like but, if you are, power to ya; meeting people at church is more my cup of tea so that’s what I’m recommending but, honestly, take ‘em where you can get ‘em. Good, solid people have been especially helpful for me when my pregnancy-and-postpartum emotions were soaring, and now when I have a small baby I’ve tried so hard not to drop. I tried the “do it on my own” approach at the beginning of my son’s life, but I had too many questions and still no desire to read a parenting book.
I can cry on demand, every time, when I think about the last year and all the sweet moments we’ve had as a family of three. There has been a truckload of equally difficult and revealing moments to go along, and all of them are so fleeting. That transience is both heartbreaking and exciting: heartbreaking because I’ll never get to relive the moments of my son being tiny and perfect; and exciting because, as he gets stronger and more independent, a world of adventures and fun will open up.
Motherhood is hard as heck at every angle, I acknowledge it, but it’s a tremendous privilege that no mama should have to do without support. Whether over the internet or in person, my experience so far has been that finding community is crucial for your mental health, easier parenting, and a smoother transition into raising your plus one (or two, or three!).
I’m stubborn – I’m claiming it – but my son can crumble that in me with just one look [or one line of drool]. My “crumble” took the form of joining a community this time (ok, it’s not so bad). So I’m trying to save my “stubborn” for something more important. It’s okay, I’ve never had trouble finding something to be stubborn about.
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