Real Life Stories of a Disabled Mom: Effective Refereeing
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I try to regulate my emotions, so I can help with their dysregulated emotions. It can be as simple as taking a moment to get my bearings before I engage them or doing some box breathing to calm my body down, this makes the difference between diffusing a moment and escalating it.
Choosing my hill to defend also makes a difference. Kindness, supporting each other, hygiene, and safety are mission critical in our life. Whether or not I love what they’re wearing, they’re asking for a later bedtime or more video game time on a non-school night is not. I try to put myself in their shoes, and to get them to see each other’s perspective so they can choose their own hills to defend. Self-expression and having some decision power in their life is more important than me being right about everything.
Since I am the primary parent, it’s also critical that I recognize my hard limit, when it’s time to regroup and recharge. I appropriated a line from one of my kids’ favorite shows. “I need my 20 minutes.” I might exercise, put on my music, read a book, or if my spouse is home, scoot out for a coffee. When I come back from my downtime, I’m a more effective, happier mom. None of these work 100% of the time, but I keep trying.