That Season of June
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I sighed and thought we had really covered the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” life lessons already. Apparently, not well enough. And that was the reason that later explained why he wasn’t mature enough to just head to the river with his friends.
But, our friends who grew up around rivers say they were swimming freely much earlier. While both our kids are good swimmers, this won’t be their first summer being freed to swim without parents. Maybe next year.
Our son also plans to get a job next summer because he will be 14. Maybe then he won’t be yelling that he is caught in a riptide.
While we’ve never said these words: "If we could just go back to when they were babies, or toddlers, or little kids...” because those are all extra hard periods of parenting especially when one has a spinal cord injury (or one’s partner parent does); we are now worried for entirely different reasons about keeping them alive.
Whether swimming in the river, hurling their bodies downhill on skis, bikes at match speeds, or driving cars shortly- all of it is scary if we think about it for too long. All we can do is remind them to be safe, to make a plan, to never do any of these things alone, and to call when and if they need help. And then, remind ourselves that we will survive too.