Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Reeve Summit 2024: Hot Topics of Breakout Sessions

Written by Reeve Staff | Feb 12, 2024 2:00:00 PM

This year’s annual Reeve Summit will feature 12 breakout sessions centered around collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and collective growth. The Summit serves as a platform for focused, interactive discussions, providing a unique space for participants to delve into specific topics, exchange ideas, and foster meaningful connections. In addition to three keynote speakers (Anjali Forber-Pratt, Ph.D., Imani Barbarin, and Ashley Shew, Ph.D., the breakout sessions aim to prioritize interactive and participatory learning.

Below we explore some of the subjects featured this year:

Caregiving: Two separate sessions will explore niche topics that align with caregiving. Practical tips and resources will be shared with caregivers to help mitigate some of the most difficult aspects of caregiving.

Caregiving Crisis: From Effort to Effortless explores five ways to find caregivers and simplify the hiring process amidst the caregiving crisis – including how to find caregivers, how to simplify the hiring process, how to become a caregiver, and the importance of caregiving.

Caring for Our Family Caregivers: Providing Resources and Support to Mitigate Burnout and Distress features panelists discussing their caregiver journeys, including managing without legal, federal, and state support, and addressing how local organizations can empower caregivers to advocate for sustainable changes to tackle this ongoing crisis.

Pregnancy and Parenting:

The Patient-Doctor Duo: Building a Roadmap for Healthy and Successful Pregnancy and Newborn Care for Parents with SCI shares insights and perspectives during a Q&A presentation about pregnancy, early newborn care, and parenting with SCI. The discussion will include various aspects of pregnancy from preconception through the trimesters of pregnancy, labor and delivery, postpartum recovery, early newborn care, and medical and social considerations.