New Year Reflections & Results
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2015 after completing his first year of college, my goal for him was to move onto his college campus. It seemed like an impossible task, but one step at a time things came together, and Zack was able to move out for the first time with the help of a live-in caregiver. He got to experience college life on living on campus. This move taught Zack a whole new level of independence.
Learning to drive was next. Zack had completed his drivers permit test and one behind the wheel training when he broke his neck. It took nine years for him to get to a place where he was mentally and physically ready to try driving. The process was long, and again the goal seemed unattainable but with patience, research and training Zack accomplished this goal in 2019.
This past year 2023 was an eventful year for Zack. He graduated in June with a master’s degree in counseling. He found a job that is close to home and has room for growth. In his personal life, he proposed to his girlfriend while in Hawaii this summer and was married 3 months later.
Having goals set, I have witnessed how they have come to pass. I believe there is something about making specific detailed goals for the year. Don’t forget to add fun goals too like travel plans, music, or dance lessons etc. It’s your life to create so go ahead and make those new Year Resolutions! See what happens.