Navigating Through Graduate School
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Utilizing Resources: Recognizing the importance of support, I made use of available resources. This included registering with the disability services office, communicating my needs to professors, and utilizing any provided resources to aid in my studies. Understanding your rights to accommodations and resources is crucial for academic success. If there are available resources to help you with your studies, please use them.
Advocating for Self: While challenging, advocating for oneself is essential in education. This experience has been particularly valuable for me as a social work student, where advocacy is a fundamental skill. There may be instances where professors or the institution lack awareness of the challenges faced by disabled students. Advocating for oneself not only ensures a better academic experience but can also drive systemic change, benefiting future disabled students by addressing institutional ableism.
Graduate school can be overwhelming, especially as a disabled person, but it can also be a wonderful experience. The key thing to remember while in graduate school is that you deserve to be there, and your presence makes a difference. While you are learning, many people are learning from you and using that knowledge to become better advocates.
Learn more about Transitioning and Navigating College and access our free booklet. Become an Advocate or Request a Peer Mentor.