My Custom-Made Shoulder
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The process goes like this: a surgeon skilled in this technique takes a CAT scan of my shoulder, probably several of them. He then sends those picture to a customized shoulder replacement maker in, of all places, Warsaw, Indiana, pop.15,804, a little place that likes to call itself the “Orthopedic Capital of the World.” There are companies there that specialize in total joint replacement parts and pride themselves in turning out 50% of the world’s supply of these parts. Why Warsaw and not bigger, more happening Indiana cities like Fort Wayne or South Bend? Some would say there is plenty of happening things in Warsaw, like the Warsaw Biblical Gardens and the Old Jail Museum, for starters.
Anyway, one of those companies will take my scans and using 3D printing technology, create my new. custom-made shoulder. They FedEx the part back to California, the doctor implants it in my shoulder, and as I’ve been told, I should never (okay, almost never) have another problem with that shoulder.
This is all fun to ponder, in a hi-tech, what-will-they-think-of-next kind of way, but it is still a repeat shoulder replacement operation on the same shoulder, within a year and a half, meaning the same initial pain and discomfort, the same stay at a rehab facility, and the same long recovery period. But there is no turning back now and the prospect of a shoulder free from chronic pain and a full range of motion is most certainly the finish line. Those brainiacs in Warsaw aren’t fooling around.
See you on the other side.