Let's Lean Into October
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September was Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month, and now October is the chance for able-bodied people, of all diverse backgrounds, to take a real hard look at what they know/think to be true. They can reflect on what they may be discriminating on from their view of the world as an able-bodied person.
Does being in a wheelchair impact how Geoff coaches? Certainly. Does it change what he knows and is able to teach? Not so much. Geoff hardly yells. But he does have a low, deep voice which requires his athletes to sometimes have to lean in a little more to hear his words. It’s this idea of simply leaning in a little more which elevates his ability as a soccer coach (or whatever he is teaching) to transcend his physical disability.
So, this October, since September has passed, I challenge you to lean in. Lean in at work to someone you don’t know very well. Lean into a new sport. Lean into a neighbor whom you don’t know very well but you think might be a really good human. Lean in past judgment of someone else. Lean into forgiveness. Lean into learning. Lean into questioning what you assume to be true. Lean into family and friends. And as a good friend and mom of one of my daughter’s ski racing buddies always says, “Lean in but don’t fall over.”