My Why: Jeff Verschleiser

On Sunday, November 5, 2023, Team Reeve will take on the TCS New York City Marathon! 2022 was a record-breaking year for Team Reeve NYC, raising over $565,000 for paralysis research! We want to continue the momentum for 2023!

Jeff Jeff Verschleiser

When Jeff Verschleiser was looking for a charity to support for his annual marathon run, he immediately thought of his childhood friend, Alan T. Brown.

“I’ve known Alan for over 45 years. We went to elementary school and summer camp together, and after college we both returned to New York City to start our careers,” says Verschleiser. “I feel like I’ve known Alan my whole life, so I’m thrilled to support a cause that is so important to him.”

In 1988, just before his 21st birthday, Brown sustained a spinal cord injury after diving into the surf on a Club Med vacation in Martinique. This year marks 35 years since Brown’s injury, a fitting milestone for Verschleiser to honor his friend.

“I’m so grateful that Alan and I have remained friends all these years. He was very excited and encouraged me to join Team Reeve to run the TCS New York City Marathon this year,” says Verschleiser. “It is a great way to commemorate and celebrate all that he has done for the paralysis community since his accident.”

Brown, now the director of new partner engagement at the Reeve Foundation, started giving back less than a year after his injury when he created the Alan T. Brown Foundation (ATBF) to improve the quality of life for people living with paralysis. In 2019, ATBF joined the Reeve Foundation and established the Alan T. Brown Fund of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to continue its mission.

jeff nyc 2“Alan has become a subject matter expert on the entire field of paralysis,” says Verschleiser. “Merging his family’s foundation with the Reeve Foundation speaks to the nonprofit’s preeminence – this organization has set the bar for improving quality of life in the here and now while advancing the most innovative science in its search for cures.”

Not long ago, Verschleiser had a friend contact him when his son’s friend sustained a similar injury to Brown’s, and he reached out to Brown for help.

“Within 24 hours, Alan was on the phone with the family. It was amazing to see the networking and how quickly this community works to support each other both medically and mentally for people living with paralysis,” says Verschleiser.

Verschleiser now lives in Colorado, and Brown is in Florida.

“Alan is always checking in to see how I am doing and what event I’m training for,” says Verschleiser. “It’s nice to be able to do something for the Reeve Foundation around our friendship.”

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jeff familyOver the years, Verschleiser has attended several Reeve Foundation events. This will be his fifth time running the marathon in New York City for a charity and the first time running for Team Reeve.

“I would rather run a marathon than go to a charity dinner every day of the week,” says Verschleiser, a weekend warrior athlete who has also done the Kona World Championship and several half Ironman Triathlons. “There is no better way to support a friend than doing what you love to do with family and friends, and the end result is to raise a bunch of money for a good cause.”

Verschleiser will run this year with a team of twelve friends and family. This will be his third New York City marathon with his 25-year-old son and first with his 23-year-old daughter. Other friends and coworkers of his and his kids also joined the team to honor Brown’s story.

“Alan has become an inspiration to everyone who knows him. He has participated in numerous New York City marathons himself and raised tens of millions to support care and a cure for paralysis. He is a great example of what is possible."

About the Author - Reeve Foundation Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to

Reeve Foundation Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.