Inspired by a Broadway Legend
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In 1986, a taxi collided with Chita’s car in Manhattan, shattering her left leg in a dozen places. She underwent two surgeries, received 18 screws and plates to reconnect her bones, and endured months of rehabilitation. For many dancers, the injuries might have been career-ending, but in only a year she began dancing again and went on to win more awards and accolades for her performances.
After my injury, I wrote to Chita to let her know that her hard work and determination were an inspiration to me. I told myself many times: if she could make the comeback she did, I could recover from my injury.
A few years ago, I wrote to update her on my progress, and tell her again how much she had helped my emotional and physical recovery. To my surprise, she called me to say how proud of me she was. “Your letter made me feel beautiful”, she said, then quickly turned the conversation to my recovery. “How are you feeling?” As the call went on, Chita said “I am inspired by you! We are an inspiration to each other. We all have to help each other.”
And there it was. The truth that we all need inspiration, and that we can all be the inspiration others need.
I knew she had been an inspiration to me, but Chita taught me: when we share our successes, our drive and our recovery with others, we can all be someone’s inspiration.
Not every inspiration is famous or has received awards. Yours may be the person in your gym, or the neighbor’s kid down the street who illustrates drive and hard work. But allow yourself to be inspired and pay it forward. Be the inspiration someone else needs now. You will be amazed at how lucky you will feel. Chita, you will always be my friend and my inspiration.