I’m Disabled and it Matters!
Join Our Movement
What started as an idea has become a national movement. With your support, we can influence policy and inspire lasting change.
Become an Advocate
Being at camp and initiating conversations that I’ve never had surrounding my disability and being able to be vulnerable, especially as I still struggle with internalized ableism, was huge for me. Learning to advocate and initiate conversations around topics such as Emergency Preparedness was a major breakthrough for me because, honestly, I never thought I had to. Although society will tell us “We are accessible to all,” it really isn’t and it’s one of the hardest things I had to realize.
When I leave the house, there’s a checklist I have to go through such as: Does the place have a wheelchair accessible entrance? Do they have a bathroom that’s accessible? The list goes on. Even when getting a job or moving out on my own there are questions, and sometimes discrimination, all because I have a disability. Honestly, it’s messed up that after all this time the Disability Community is looked on as less worthy or capable. I learned all of this from EmpowHer Camp, and I learned I have to look out for myself and my disabled peers. I can’t wait for others to do it for us.
Looking forward - that’s exactly what I plan to do: I plan to look out for myself and the Disability Community as I work on my community impact project which is focused on training disabled people and school officials on active shooter protocols for people with disabilities. I will explore protocols that are in place and collaborate with my local Disability Community and school officials to adjust policies to ensure they are realistic and safe for ALL because I cannot wait for someone else to think to keep us safe.
For more on Advocacy & Disability Rights, click here.
Author's Bio: Chenelle White is a proud teenager with a disability living in Missouri.She volunteers with Disability EmpowHer Network on the social media committee. She also recently took a big roll in the right direction by joining EmpowHer Camp’s Class of 2024! While she had a lot of fun at camp, she also learned a great deal of information and plans to take charge and make change within her community!