Having Trouble Finding an Accessible Medical Exam Table?
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What started as an idea has become a national movement. With your support, we can influence policy and inspire lasting change.
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It is no wonder that well-documented medical disparities of people with mobility disabilities begin with the most basic interaction between doctor and patient — the providing of an accessible room, exam table or bed. Despite 100 years of having the needed technology (barbers had hydraulic barber chairs in the early 20th Century) and 50 years of legislation that established our right to equal treatment (beginning with the 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, section 504), our medical establishment is still woefully unaware of and unprepared for our most basic needs.
This kind of inequitable treatment happens commonly, and it’s more than an inconvenience. Lack of accessible medical equipment puts both nurses and patients with mobility disabilities at risk. Women are especially endangered when pap smears and mammograms are delayed or skipped altogether because of lack of accessible medical equipment and restrictive lifting policies (necessary to protect nurses from injury). Patients and nurses need to join forces to protect each other.
Patient Safe Handling Laws address the need for accessible medical equipment that saves nurses’ backs and reduces health risk for patients, but only 11 states have such laws. Together with DOJ enforcement of ADA guidelines covering Medical Diagnostic Equipment, these laws can bring way overdue change. But it won’t happen unless we make it happen. Contact me if you want to be part of the solution (see bio below).
Please submit your comments on the proposed updates to the rule here. These comments must be submitted on or before November 13, 2023.
Read more about Accessible Exam Tables here.