Happy New Year: Cheers to Stronger Mental and Physical Health in 2024
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Geoff means well, but he doesn’t understand why I like to be by myself (or just alone with our dog) some days for bike rides or hikes. He likes to exercise together, and while that is fun at times, I don’t allow myself just the chance to breathe and be okay with the choice to be alone. To take care of myself. To reflect on what we did well as parents or failed at miserably over the course of the week. As a teacher, I talk and am patient all day with other people’s children. It’s no wonder I’m tired. I envy some of my friends — meaning the ones who do an extra nice job of taking care of themselves, their personal needs, their exercise time, their self-care, the ones away on ladies’ trips, or the spa.
But the key for us all, especially caregivers, is to find the balance: the right amount of time, pressure, and space away from the stress of daily life, not to be deemed as selfish by the judging universe around us, but to see the mental health component as important as a healthy diet and exercise and time spent with loved ones.
This is the year, 2024, when I will turn half a century old. I am not looking for the body I had at 25; rather, I want to take better care of the one I maintain right now. More importantly, New Year’s is the perfect time to reflect on the past year as well as the one coming to us. Please remember to take care of yourself — the body, the mind, and the soul as one does not function effectively without rest. Happy New Year!