Forward: The Evolution of Functional Electrical Stimulation
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An external technique of FES has been devised where electrodes are placed on the outer skin over the spinal cord for the creation of functional movement. These devices will become available to the consumer in the new year. Studies will continue but individuals who are seeking this treatment will be able to obtain this equipment without being in a clinical trial. This will be a game changer for individuals seeking to improve hand and arm function as well as bowel and bladder improvement among other physical movements. Function will not be as before paralysis but will be a great improvement for many.
Implantable vagus nerve stimulation for increased arm and hand function is available for those with stroke and understudy for those with spinal cord injury. An externally worn FES device for footdrop is also available now.
Already available on the market is the diaphragmatic pacer to stimulate breathing with less use of mechanical ventilation and for many, no mechanical ventilation. This is a huge step forward in life span and comfort for those whose injury created a need for mechanical ventilation. On the horizon are other implantable devices such as phrenic nerve stimulation.
The study and production of FES devices are booming. Just a few have been mentioned here. Following the progress of these devices is just one way of moving ‘Forward’. You will decide if and when the time is right for you to try these devices.