Finding Beauty in Our Imperfections
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Many of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year, laying out the ways we want to improve our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our attitudes in the coming year. This year, we should take the lessons of kintsugi and apply them to every day of our lives.
We do not need to dwell on the bad circumstances of our inquiries, or on the details of them. Instead, every day we should celebrate our breaks, our repair, our recovery, the very lives we can lead. There is beauty and strength in our bodies, and in the person we become after our injuries.
Christopher Reeve famously hoped to overcome his paralysis, and said that in his dreams he was walking, sailing, or playing complicated Brahms pieces on the piano. When he was awake, in his wheelchair, he found that his mind and memory were becoming clearer than ever. Instead of concentrating on the negative aspects of the damage to his body, Christopher and Dana created the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to propel research, create community, and improve the quality of life for people with spinal cord injuries. He reached out to others and let them know they were not alone. He gave them hope. He embodied kintsugi. The gold in his mind and heart shone brightly through the cracks. And our beauty can shine, too.