My Why: Alex Torelli

The inaugural Reeve Run & Roll virtual 5K will take Team Reeve globetrotting for the first time on October 17, 2020. And this time around, participants can run, roll, handcycle, bike, roller skate, or walk it out on a treadmill. We reached out to our Team Reeve members to ask why they are participating in the Reeve Foundation first virtual 5K.

Alex Torelli

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?

Over seven years ago, I was paralyzed in an accident while skiing in Vermont. My first days and weeks in the hospital were confusing, but the information I received from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation helped me and my family get our heads around my injury and what would come next. These materials answered lots of questions for us, helping me focus on my therapy.

As my recovery progressed, I became more independent and more involved in the SCI community. I have grown more familiar with the incredible work of the Reeve Foundation. From grants and advocacy to cutting-edge research, they address our community's immediate needs and invest in a better future. As an avid handcyclist, joining Team Reeve was an excellent way to pay it forward and ensure this work continues until we've found a cure.

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About the Author - Reeve Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to

Reeve Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.