Free Consultations to Students with Paralysis Who are T - Reeve Foundation

By: Annie Tulkin, MS, Founder, and Director of Accessible College

Accessible College is excited to join the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation for a new project focused on supporting students with paralysis who are transitioning to College. The Reeve Foundation is sponsoring a limited number of free consultations with Accessible College so that there is no charge to the student or their family for the service.

The Reeve Foundation and Accessible College offered a free webinar introducing this service titled Transitioning to College for Students with Paralysis on Sept. 28. You may view the recording of the webinar below.

What Does Accessible College Do?

Accessible College provides college preparation and transition support for students with physical disabilities and health conditions across the country. We understand the unique needs of students with paralysis and the challenges that may arise as they plan for their transition to College. Because colleges and universities provide varying levels of support and accommodations for students with disabilities and health conditions, Accessible College's services help bridge the gaps, empowering students and families to effectively work together to create positive educational experiences for students and support college success. Through this partnership with the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, Accessible College will provide this support for eligible students and families through one on one meetings where students will receive assistance with:

  • Considerations for College based on healthcare needs
  • College Accommodations
  • Medication management
  • Healthcare management
  • Hiring and managing a Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
  • Continuity of care (including the transfer of care)
  • Self-advocacy skills
  • Disability disclosure
  • Communicating with the College's Disability Support Office
  • Disability specific questions for college tours and tour debriefs

What Can I Expect in Working with Accessible College?

Students and families have many tasks ahead of them during the process of preparing for college, including identifying college accommodations (academic, residential, and programmatic) and preparing the student to be able to self-advocate. Families may also have to hire a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) and/or navigate different aspects of the student's care. Accessible College will help you navigate this process through one on one meetings. After each meeting, we provide a summary email and outline the next steps.

How Can I Work with Accessible College Through This Project?

Students and families can sign up for this service by contacting an Information Specialist at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to see if they are eligible:

Phone: 1-800-539-7309 (Ask for an Information Specialist)


Who is Accessible College?Annie Tulkin

Annie Tulkin is the Founder and Director of Accessible College, as well as an author and public speaker. She is an expert in the area of college preparation and transition for students with physical disabilities and health conditions. Annie was the Associate Director of the Academic Resource Center at Georgetown University for nearly 6 years. In that position, she supported undergraduate, graduate, and medical students with physical disabilities and health conditions and oversaw academic support services for the entire student body. Annie has worked in the field of disability for over ten years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Secondary Education from DePaul University, a Masters in Special Education from The University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Certificate in Health Coaching from Georgetown University. Annie was a Peace Corps Volunteer (Mongolia, '03-'05) and a Fulbright Fellow (Mongolia, '07-’08). She resides in Silver Spring, MD, with her husband and daughter.

Follow Accessible College on Facebook and Twitter. You can also visit their website, Accessible College.

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About the Author - Reeve Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to

Reeve Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.