Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of the ADA
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What started as an idea has become a national movement. With your support, we can influence policy and inspire lasting change.
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To evoke change, it is important to recognize that full inclusion encompasses much more than ramps and elevators. For many, an individual’s assistive device is inextricably linked to their health, function, and ability to participate in society. The unique characteristics of one’s device and its componentry allow that individual to interact with the world. Unfortunately, though, these devices can often come at a considerable monetary cost. In other words, an individual’s quality of life is determined by what they can afford. As a steering committee member of the Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid (ITEM) Coalition, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is just one of nearly one hundred national organizations that acknowledges the importance of coverage for these devices and is dedicated to demanding change.
Most recently, the ITEM Coalition has been calling for action from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to open the pending National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for standing systems in powered wheelchairs, a coverage request that was submitted almost four years ago. Evidence supports that standing can improve outcomes by preventing bone mass loss, joint contractures, and incidence of pressure injury, all of which can be detrimental to the health and function of individuals living with disabilities. Still, Medicare beneficiaries are not able to benefit from this technology. In honor of the 34th anniversary of the ADA, it is time for healthcare coverage to allow for the standard of care that provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to navigate a world free of limitations.
Please sign up to become an advocate or contact Gerard Arnum, our Grassroots Advocacy Manager, at garnum@reeve.org to learn more about our Regional Champions Program.