Pregnant While Living with Paralysis - Reeve Foundation

Reeve Summit Features Top Doc’s Guidance on Preparing for and Recovering from Childbirth

Dani IzzieFor a person living with paralysis, the decision to bear a child can feel daunting. Robert Fuller, MD, PhD, a leading expert on high-risk pregnancy and a featured speaker at this year’s Reeve Summit, takes a fresh look at this common challenge facing women with paralysis who are of child-bearing age.

Fuller, an associate professor at the University of Virginia, says misunderstandings about pregnancy and paralysis abound in the public and even within the spinal cord injury community. His goal is to build confidence for participants who may be contemplating motherhood, which he feels has the potential to improve their lives. His session, “Preparing, Completing, and Recovering from Pregnancy with Paralysis: What’s New in 2022?”, offers a roadmap to safely navigating pregnancy, childbirth, and the recovery process.

Register for the Reeve Summit 2022: Where Care, Cure and Community Connect, in-person October 13-14 in Washington, DC.

Fuller will share real-world experiences, practical guidance, and the latest research findings around safe pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery for women with paralysis. He draws upon his many years of experience as a subspecialist in maternal and fetal medicine, including many pregnancies among women with spinal cord injury and other forms of paralysis. His hope is to inspire and confidently inform anyone who may want to have a child, now or in the future, while celebrating the successes and accomplishments of the community.

Concrete Actions to Prepare for Pregnancy with Paralysis

Intended for people affected by paralysis as well as supportive family members, partners, and healthcare providers, Fuller’s presentation will cover concrete actions individuals can take to prepare for future pregnancy and childbearing. Participants can expect an information-dense presentation with time for questions and an opportunity to meet and network.

Topics include:

  • What to know even before preparing for pregnancy.
  • The importance of optimizing one’s health and evaluating the risks of future pregnancy.
  • Assembling a pregnancy care team.
  • Preparing for conception.
  • Managing expectations during the pregnancy experience.
  • Childbirth with paralysis.
  • Safe post-partum recovery.

The Reeve Summit 2022 will be held in person this year on October 13-14 at CONVENE at 600 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC. The Summit will touch on topics and themes relevant to the paralysis community and give everyone a chance to hear from experts, ask questions, and share experiences on many aspects of life. Topics include access to healthcare, health equity, caregiving, research, and emergency preparedness.

Register now for the Reeve Summit 2022.

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About the Author - Reeve Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to

Reeve Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.