My Why: Peg Schreiner

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, Team Reeve will take on the Bank of America Chicago Marathon! 2021 was a record-breaking year for Team Reeve Chicago, raising over $110,000 for paralysis research! We want to continue the momentum for 2022!

Interview with Peg Schreiner:

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?Peg and her brother

I first paired up with Team Reeve in 2018 for the New York City Half Marathon. My brother, Oliver, and I ran to support our older brother, Peter, who suffered a T4 spinal cord injury about six months before the race in September 2017. We wanted to do something to feel productive and contribute to the amazing mission of the Foundation. Now, almost 5 years later, I am running the Chicago Marathon with Team Reeve. My entire family has gotten to witness the life-changing work that Reeve does over this time—both in terms of research and quality of life programming. Peter has been fortunate enough to be a participant in some exciting clinical trials, and that has demonstrated to me how important it is to help raise money for organizations like Reeve so they can continue that important work to find a cure.

Peg training

What has been the hardest challenge that you have overcome?

The hardest challenge in training has been adjusting my shifting work schedules throughout the summer, and then again changing my training schedule when I returned to Michigan for my final year of law school. Overall, I am grateful to be able to do the training and have enjoyed seeing how hard work has paid off as I get deeper into the once daunting long runs of the training plan.

What are you doing to train for the marathon?

I have been following Hal Higdon’s training plans, but with lots of input and support from Coach Mark! Mark is always available for a quick email exchange or phone call, and as someone who is planning to run the marathon on my own, it has been really helpful to have him and Kelly, so I don’t feel lonely during the training process.

What are you looking forward to on the day of the race?

I’m looking forward to the entire race weekend! Despite living in relatively nearby Ann Arbor, MI, for the past two years, I have never been to Chicago. I can’t wait to see the expo, meet up with the rest of Team Reeve for lunch on Saturday, and finally get to attend the team party after the race. A small part of me is even excited about the running aspect.

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About the Author - Reeve Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to

Reeve Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.