Honor a loved one for Christopher Reeve’s birthday - Reeve Foundation

"Nothing is impossible" Christopher Reeve quoteIn remembrance of Christopher Reeve’s birthday on September 25, I hope you’ll consider clicking here to make a Tribute donation to the Reeve Foundation, to honor a friend, family member, colleague, or someone who has passed away,

As you make your donation, you can send a beautiful e-Card announcement by email to notify someone special of your thoughtful gift.

The e-Card image is a beautiful photo of Christopher and Dana Reeve by famed photographer Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, with Christopher‘s inspirational quote, “Nothing is Impossible.”

Your tax-deductible contribution will fuel the Reeve Foundation mission and speed the delivery of life-changing treatments for spinal cord injury.

Please click here to donate now to fund research and cures.

As we look forward to celebrating Christopher Reeve’s birthday this month, please look back with me to May 27, 1995, the day of his fateful spinal cord injury.

So many of us can still recall our feelings of deep sadness.

But at the time, we couldn’t foresee the amazing paradox to come -- how through his tragic injury Christopher would become the voice -- and a beacon of hope -- for millions living with paralysis!

His wonderful legacy lives on today ... in the dedicated work of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation ... in the lives of the community we are dedicated to serving ... and in the brilliant scientific researchers and medical innovators we fund.

Your generosity sustains our urgent work in these turbulent times. (You can click here to donate now.)

Zack Collie and his mother, AmberI’d like to tell you about Zack Collie and his mother Amber. They’re among the millions who’ve been inspired by Christopher’s extraordinary example.

Zack was just 15 years old when he sustained a C-4 spinal cord injury in a beach accident in 2010.

Since then, Zack and his mom share their experiences about living with SCI and had countless conversations with people throughout the world, through their many blog posts published here on ChristopherReeve.org.

The Reeve community was there for Zack and Amber when they began their journey.

“The SCI community is small, and people in our situation often feel alone,” Zack says. “The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation not only advocates for people with SCIs but offers many resources that give support.”

“It’s important,” Amber adds, “that people who are going through the shock of this type of life-altering challenge know that they are not alone.”

It’s been 12 years since Zack’s spinal cord injury. Like Christopher Reeve, he hasn’t let his injury define who he is.

“I should have drowned the day of my accident,” Zack says, but “God turned my tragedy into triumph. He has used everything I’ve gone through to help and inspire others.”

Christopher and Dana Reeve completely changed the way that people think about living with paralysis. Together with the entire Reeve community, they’ve made it possible for Zack and millions of others to follow Christopher’s path towards hope.

Thanks to your generosity, and our entire family of supporters, more than $140 million has been invested in cutting-edge research and new treatments for spinal cord injury since 1982.

But so much remains to be done.

Can I count on you to click here to send a life-changing gift today?

With your continued help, and the support of other heroes like you, we will continue to advance together to realize Christopher’s dream of a cure -- all the way to the finish line.

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About the Author - Reeve Staff

This blog was written by the Reeve Foundation for educational purposes. For more information please reach out to information@christopherreeve.org

Reeve Staff

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.