Biggest Pain; Biggest Accomplishment
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Once you realize you have power over your thoughts, you can manipulate them in your favor and tell yourself that you will have a good life. Zack chose college after injury, which felt impossible in the beginning. We found a scholarship program that helps paralyzed individuals achieve this goal (Swim with Mike) and helps injured athletes get a degree after SCI. Zack lived on campus for a year with a full-time caregiver. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, he decided to take it a step further and get a master’s degree in counseling. Zack has something to offer others. He now works as a counselor at a private therapy office. Along the way, he was open to dating and currently has a girlfriend. He was able to move into an apartment with a live-in caregiver. Zack wanted to drive, the process (like college) was slow and steady, but again proved to work because he now drives himself in an adaptive wheelchair van. These are just the main things he has achieved after SCI.
I have been with Zack since the day of his injury. I’ve seen this method work and have watched how Zack’s created a life he enjoys. Setting those goals, taking risks, and putting in the hard work has paid off and is now my biggest accomplishment. I will always be there for Zack, but I can step back, and he will take it from here.