Pregnant and Paralyzed: Bigger and Wider
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And now, the elephant in the room: my belly. Or at least I think it’s the elephant. When I look in a full-length mirror, I sure feel like an elephant. Even so, if I hear women refer to their pregnant bellies as anything but a miracle, I’ll be the first to tell them to stop. Women’s ability to grow human beings in our bodies is a privilege, and it’s beautiful. That fact hit home for me when I first felt my son kick. It’s wild to know my body can grow into an independently-thinking human: awake when I’m asleep, kicking me during the days, and [seemingly] rave-dancing when I lie down at night. When I look in that mirror and see my elephant body, I remind myself of two things: my pregnancy is a privilege, and it’s temporary. Once I deliver, I’ll have control of my body back, so I may as well enjoy my pregnant curves while I can.
Pregnancy is so much fun, and that’s mostly because everything is new: new challenges, new behaviors, and a new body shape. Best of all, there’s a baby at the end of it! Having a disability can be really fun, too, but there are certain things we’ve gotta overcome. Now that I’m in my third trimester, I know my pregnancy and disability are about to collide in new and trying ways. But you know what? Bring it on. I’m enjoying this while I can.