​A Recap of 2022

Dec-2022-Reeve-pic-1These days a year just flies by. In fact, time seems to speed up. As the holidays end and the New Year comes and goes, I’m always shocked that another year has passed. What did I do this year? Where did the time go? How has a whole year already passed by? Did I accomplish any of my goals?

I still keep an old-school calendar, hung up on the wall and yes, on purpose. I use my computer and iPhone as reminders, but I like to write down my to-do list and visually see what my upcoming week will look like. Then, towards the end of December and usually before or on New Year’s Day, I set up my next year’s calendar by writing in family members' birthdays and any events that are already planned.

During this process, I have my old and new calendar in front of me and reflect on the last 12 months and what’s to come. This allows me to see many activities and act like a photo to jog memories. This yearly task reminds me of the small and large goals that have been achieved or will be moved on the following year. I’m also reminded of the places I visited, the people I visited and how I spent the last year of my life.

Going through last year’s calendar and re-reading my weeks, I found there were many mundane, average weeks with task of going to the Dentist or Doctors, a trip to the dreaded DMV, talk therapy, or going to the movies with my best friend. I attended lacrosse games, and dance classes for my kids. Swim lessons and soccer games for my young nephew and high school prom for my teenage daughter. I had noted bills that were due, date nights with my husband, and dog sitting for a friend. I wrote down family birthday celebrations that included my youngest child turning 18, my aunts 80th and me turning 50! Then there are the not-so-fun reminders like the week I had COVID, multiple trips to the ER or a colonoscopy. A sad reminder of a friend passing away and their memorial service. I remember how we celebrated each holiday that year.

My calendar also includes some of my grown kids’ activities like starting a new job, college sign-ups and independent travels. My 2022 calendar included my son Zack’s 12-year post-anniversary of his SCI injury and in May, he completed his Master’s degree.

By reading through my last year’s calendar, I’m reminded of both the good and the bad this process makes me feel both grateful and a little sad, yet this process also gives me the satisfaction of completing goals that were set and gives me the inspiration to make new goals for the upcoming year, and I know to try and enjoy the present moment because the year will once again fly by. So try it you may find you’ve accomplished more than you think.

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About the Author - Amber Collie

My life has had many parts, I could write a book just on that section but let's fast forward to when I married Adron Collie. Two weeks after turning 20 (yes, very young!) I had Zackery at age 22, Levi at 24, six years later Kaden, and 18 months after that daughter Laila, making me a busy mother of four. At that time, I also ran a photography business. The year Zack was injured, I had a child in preschool, elementary, junior high and high school. Four kids in four schools! I thought I was so busy, just getting their drop off and pick up times correct was a challenge. I have to laugh now thinking back on that because little did I know my life was just about to turn upside down.

Amber Collie

The opinions expressed in these blogs are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.

The National Paralysis Resource Center website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $10,000,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.