2022 Reeve Advocacy Round-Up
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Access to Complex Rehab Technology (CRT)
The Foundation has long advocated for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to update the existing National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems. On August 15, CMS opened a National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for coverage of Power Seat Elevation Systems in power wheelchairs. Unfortunately, CMS also announced it would not be reviewing Medicare coverage for Power Standing Systems and would postpone its review.
In response to the request for public comment, over 3,500 advocates shared their unique stories with CMS to express their need for this critical technology. While there is much work that needs to be done, we anticipate a response from CMS in February 2023.
We are so grateful for your time and dedication this year. Without your efforts, we cannot continue to improve policies and increase funding to improve the lives of all those impacted by paralysis. Please continue to stay engaged and let us know how we can improve our education and outreach.
Please sign up to become an advocate or contact Gerard Arnum, our Grassroots Advocacy Manager, at garnum@christopherreeve.org and learn more about our Regional Champions Program. Please don’t forget to register for our February 2023 Regional Champions Webinar.