Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Working With a SCI

Written by Zack Collie | Jun 15, 2023 1:00:00 PM

In my last blog, I talked about looking for a job and trying to navigate how to work and keep my benefits. As a person with a SCI, I rely on my benefits to help me financially and with caregiving hours.

I recently graduated at the end of 2022 with a Masters in Counseling. I felt led to pursue this career path because I want to help others and talking to people is something I can do independently that my injury doesn’t interfere with. It is interesting because I think being a therapist in a wheelchair will actually enhance my ability to inspire and help others. If I was told when I was younger, that I would become a mental health therapist I would have laughed.

The last thing I wanted to do was listen to other people’s problems. Prior to my injury and even a few years after, I never thought I would have ended up in this field. I couldn’t imagine how I could be empathetic and listen to other people’s struggles when I’m living with a SCI. It is funny how God and life works out. Sometimes the very thing we tell ourselves we would or could never do is what we end up doing.

One of the many lessons I have learned over these almost 13 years is to roll with the punches. Life is so much easier when you go with the flow instead of stressing and worrying about how things didn’t go as planned. I know that if my injury never happened, I would not have the education I have achieved and would not be in the field of mental health.

Now, being where I am, I can’t imagine doing anything else. I love what I do and get to inspire and motivate people to overcome the challenges in their life and become the best versions of themselves. I am excited to announce that I recently accepted a part time job position in a private practice.

One of the best things about this job is that it is in the same city as I live so I don’t have to drive far. One of my fears prior to working was having to get up extra early to make sure I got to work on time. Thankfully, this is not an issue I have to worry about because of how close it is.