There are 4 stages of pressure injuries: an unstageable pressure injury and a Deep Tissue Injury (DTI). I like to think of Stage 1 as non-blanching redness like a tomato, and Stage 4 as full-thickness tissue loss, and the core is exposed. And then there is the unstageable, which is full-thickness skin/tissue loss, but we cannot see underneath “rotten” parts.
Once we have DTI, an area that may be boggy, firm or feel “different” than the surrounding skin and can have a blood blister. With a DTI, it’s a dark purple/maroon in color, like an eggplant.
In the medical world, we use the Braden Scale, a scale that is used for predicting pressure injury risk. But with this scale, when eschar is present, a pressure injury cannot be accurately staged until the eschar is removed. An eschar is dead tissue that eventually sloughs off healthy skin after an injury. To determine the risk of developing a pressure injury, 6 things are considered, and with each one, there is a score for that category.
1) Sensory Perception- the ability to respond meaningfully to pressure-related discomfort.
2) Moisture – the degree to which skin is exposed to moisture.
3) Activity – degree of physical activity.
4) Mobility - ability to change and control body position.
5) Nutrition- usual food intake pattern.
6) Friction and Shear. Each section tallies up to a score. Once added all together, a patient with a score of 18 or less is considered at risk of developing pressure injuries.
Pressure injuries are to acquire but a nuisance to get rid of. In the past, when I had one, I cleared it up in 3 days using 2 simple things. Coating your sore with a protective barrier cream or ointment is highly recommended. First, I used Aquaphor Healing Baby Ointment. I used the ointment in the morning before going to work. My job requires me to be in my chair at least 12.5 hours a day, 2-3 times a week, maybe more. That’s just my work hours and not my prep or bedtime routine.
The number one thing for being in my chair that long is relieving pressure off my bottom by shifting my position. At night I would use this natural healing salve made locally here in Kansas City. Those combinations and drinking more water plus sleeping on my side bare so I could “air out” I was healed in 2.5-3 days with a stage 2 pressure injury. I hope this information from an average Joe helps someone.
Remember, your health is wealth, and never be scared to advocate for yourself.
North Kansas City Hospital Pressure Injury Staging poster
Braden Scale information card (natural salve)