Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Skiing with Friends

Written by EmpowHer Stories | Feb 9, 2024 2:00:00 PM

I had never skied before my spinal cord injury (SCI) in July 2014, but while still in inpatient rehabilitation in February 2015, the recreational therapist on staff suggested I give it a try. So, bundled up in a borrowed pink one-piece Carhart snowsuit and boots, we headed to the ski area. I was greeted warmly by the adaptive ski instructors. They reviewed the different types of sit-skis I could try, my medical needs as a C5-6 quadriplegic, my physical abilities, and how to best communicate with me. Adding warm mittens and footbag complete with heat packs (people with upper-level SCI have a hard time regulating their own body temperature), a helmet, and goggles I was ready to get in the ski. For my maiden voyage, I would be in a Mountain man bi-ski with fixed outriggers (little to no grip with my quad hands). My instructors performed a top-bottom transfer, one grabbing under my shoulders, the other behind my knees, placing me in the ski. With a little extra padding for the backside, a hip adjustment, and some quick clothing management, we were ready to head out into the snow.

Out in the lift line, my instructors do a test lift to show me how it feels when the back of the ski unhinges, allowing the back of the sled to detach from the skis so that I can ride the chair lift sitting in the ski. The angle feels a little precarious, but we’ve come too far to chicken out now. My operator slows the lift as we get into position “1, 2, 3… Lift.” My instructors time their movements, and with a bump and pull back I am on the lift and headed up the mountain. I tilt my face toward the clear blue sky, feel the warm sun, and take a deep cleansing breath as we glide up for the first run of what will become an obsession. At the top, the instructor explains how I can help maneuver the sled by sticking my arms out to the side and also how to signal I need to stop. “Don’t worry, an instructor will be tethered to the ski at all times steering and controlling speed.” That initial run is pure joy, freedom, and excitement all rolled into one. We quickly discover I am a speed junkie, and by the end of my session, I am rushing down the trails shouting with glee.