During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Reeve Foundation’s National Paralysis Resource Center created a special grants category (COVID-19: Addressing Social Isolation) for non-profit organizations to address social isolation by providing programs and projects to support the physical and mental health of people living with paralysis.
Organizations that provided vital services to people with paralysis -and other disabilities were challenged when the social isolation requirements from COVID-19 were implemented. Despite the obstacles, many discovered new, innovative ideas to provide programs to people while isolated.
While pre-pandemic programs addressed the needs of those at home, these programs could no longer provide services to those living with paralysis in person once social isolation regulations were enacted. Before COVID-19 social isolation regulations, Integrative Touch served adults and children in the hospital. Their program also helped caregivers. Once the social isolation requirements were implemented, Integrative Touch realized they needed a way to help their clients. Despite the challenges, they knew continuing the program was crucial. Integrative Touch created TeleWellness for adults and TeleFriend for children.
Integrative Touch contacted the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to help fund their programs TeleWellness and TeleFriend. With a $38,000 grant, Integrative Touch (InTouch) can reach adults and children nationwide, alleviating feelings of isolation and loneliness.
TeleFriend is available to kids facing severe medical needs, such as paralysis. Children hospitalized or at home because of their compromised immune systems and other health conditions are paired with an adult and a young person. Integrative Touch calls this the "Buddy Team." The Buddy Team interacts by playing games, talking, reading stories, and spending time with the patient while separated from their loved ones because they are hospitalized. Each Buddy Team gets together for the eight weeks they are together. Sometimes, additional sessions are provided, or the child is re-enrolled. TeleFriend is free to kids and families.
TeleWellness is a program designed for adults. The program provides long-term coping mechanisms to caregivers and adults. A pair of professional healers are paired with hospitalized patients, healthcare workers, and caregivers. Families with a child who is at home and has complex medical needs are also eligible for the program. Before the program starts, the caregiver, patient, or family works with their InTouch Healing Team to create a treatment plan. During the ten-week program, the InTouch Healing Team offers therapeutic and wellness techniques for managing stress, pain, and anxiety.
When surveyed, participants reported an 87% decrease in anxiety, a 73% decrease in pain, and a 94% increase in global well-being.
TeleWellness services are valued at $2,500. However, participants aren't charged the total value. Integrative Touch offers the program at a sliding scale fee. However, if a person cannot pay, they will be allowed services.
Recipients of the program, when asked, said this about the program, “It was unbelievable, it was life-changing, it was empowering. I am walking with tools. It is like I have been put back into perspective and balance.”