Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Privilege in Disability Pride

Written by Nila Morton | Jul 27, 2023 1:00:00 PM

During Disability Pride Month, we come together to honor the past, accomplishments, stories, and challenges faced by disabled people. I genuinely appreciate this month as it allows disabled people to enlighten the world about our significance in society and the need to normalize disability. When I first learn about Disability Pride Month, it brought immense joy, as it validated my identity and made me feel truly acknowledged.

However, it is important to acknowledge that having this pride is a privilege. Not every disabled person experiences are to be loud and proud about their disability, despite what may be assumed when hearing "Disability Pride". It is a privilege to have pride in one's disability as it signifies being able to find positive experiences amidst the challenges.

I can honestly acknowledge that being disabled is a difficult reality regardless of my confidence and my positive outlook on it. There are days that it can be challenging, I mean so challenging that you wonder why God or the Universe made you disabled. There are times you wonder how life would be if you were able-bodied. Would you be more respected? Given more opportunities or an actual chance without having to fight for it? Able to access more resources? Have true friends and support from family? Have an interesting yet successful love life? Not be in so much pain or get sick often? There are times you question your self-worth, your desirability, your capabilities, and your whole life.