Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Navigating Grief with Paralysis: Understanding the 5 Stages of Healing

Written by Lauren Presutti | Aug 1, 2023 1:00:00 PM

When individuals experience a spinal cord injury, it is not only their physical abilities that are profoundly impacted but also their emotional well-being. The sudden loss of mobility, independence, and a previously familiar way of life can give rise to a complex array of emotions. Among these emotions, grief often emerges as a natural response. Understanding the five stages of grief, as outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, offer insights into the common emotional responses that may emerge throughout the healing process.


Denial can manifest in various ways, such as minimizing the significance of the injury, avoiding discussions about its long-term implications, or seeking multiple medical opinions in the hope of receiving a different diagnosis. While denial may provide a temporary relief from the pain, acknowledging the reality of the spinal cord injury is essential for initiating the healing process. Encouraging open and honest conversations about the injury, its consequences, and the available support systems can help individuals gradually explore their emotions in a more constructive manner. 


At some point during the grieving process, it’s common to feel angry. Anger arises from the profound sense of injustice, frustration, and helplessness associated with the loss of physical abilities and the disruption of a previously independent life. It may be expressed outwardly, through displays of frustration toward others, or it may be turned inward, leading to feelings of self-blame, guilt, and a sense of being trapped in an unfair situation. It is important to recognize that anger is a normal and valid emotional response to the immense challenges posed by a spinal cord injury.  


Bargaining is a cognitive process where individuals may attempt to negotiate or bargain with their thoughts, emotions, or with some higher power in a desperate pursuit to undo the loss. They may make promises or bargains in hopes of reversing the injury or regaining lost abilities. It is a natural response driven by a deep longing for normalcy. Bargaining may manifest as seeking alternative treatments, exploring experimental therapies, or promising to be a better person or dedicating oneself to a specific cause in exchange for healing. Support networks play a crucial role during the bargaining stage by providing a compassionate and understanding presence.