Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

My Why - Felicia Gibson

Written by Reeve Staff | Sep 15, 2021 1:00:00 PM

The 2nd annual Reeve Run & Roll virtual 5K will take Team Reeve globetrotting from kick-off September 25, 2021, through October 3, 2021. Participants of all athletic abilities will join to run, roll, cycle, swim, surf, dribble, walk and so much more.

Felicia Gibson

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?

I have been involved with the Reeve Foundation in other capacities for a while now. When COVID hit, I began running and skating outdoors to try to stay in shape. My friends and I started running virtual 5K’s throughout the last year. When I heard that the Reeve Run and Roll was virtual and allowed any type of physical activity, I knew it was time to join in (disclaimer, I’m not a runner, I just happen to run sometimes). The opportunity to help fundraise for an organization that invests so much in SCI research and provides resources for people and their families living with paralysis was too big to pass up.

What has been the hardest challenge that you have overcome?

When my husband was shot and became a C6/C7 quadriplegic, neither one of us had ever dealt with anything like this before. It completely altered the way we lived and made our plans for the future different, but not impossible. I wouldn’t say we have overcome it, but we are happy and living fulfilling lives.

How do you plan to complete the virtual 5k?

I’ve teamed up with some friends, the Savannah Jr. Derby taunts and the Savannah Chicks in Bowls chapter. We will skate the 5k on September 25 at 10:30 am! We will be at a beautiful park with a lake and nice terrain for running and skating. We’ve also had some interest from other groups in the area who want to run with us. I’m also in talks with another local business to have a second run on September 30 through downtown, but the details on that are still being worked out.

What are you doing to train for the 5k?

I’ve been skating along with the Savannah Jr.’s while coaching them at practice, running whenever it isn’t too hot outside, and trying to get in a few miles weekly. Hydrating because it is so hot! Mostly eating better, but I slip occasionally.

What are you looking forward to on the day of the race?

I’m looking forward to seeing my community come together for a great cause. People are excited, and the response has been awesome! People are looking to be active and help. I can’t ask for more than that!