Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Get Back Into Society After a Spinal Cord Injury

Written by Garrison Redd | Feb 28, 2022 5:00:00 AM

When I was first injured 16 years ago, I was unaware of all of the opportunities, resources, and cool things individuals with disabilities and specifically spinal cord injuries, can do and are doing. I was injured back in 2005. While it isn't that long ago, it was before the “social media” boom, as I would like to call it. So, information was difficult for me to access as well as meeting other individuals with my injury. For me, everything was a first-time experience with no prior information. I had to relearn everything in rehab, especially daily living tasks.

Being that I am a para, my goal for myself and my medical team was for me to be fully independent prior to leaving the rehabilitation center. This is the real first step. However, for the purposes of this blog, I will be outlining the steps I took after I left rehab, knowing I would be capable of living on my own if I had to. Fortunately, I was still living with my parents, and they were a tremendous help.

Step 1: “Becoming Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable”

Every day that I come outside, I am prepared to be stared at, I have also prepared myself for questions that strangers may randomly ask, and most importantly, I try not to take anything personally. I had to become comfortable with myself and my capabilities to sort of block out some of the ignorance that does go on when you are outside amongst others.

Step 2: “Bowel and Bladder Programs”

Some of the common issues that prevent individuals living with Spinal Cord Injuries from going outside regularly are issues resulting from our neurogenic Bowels and the Bladder. I would encourage everyone to stay in contact with your urologist and your doctors who treat you for your Spinal Cord Injury. I have found exercise helps me prevent Urinary Tract Infections and keep my digestive system healthy. I am not a physician, but I personally stay away from high-fiber foods. I do know the importance of fiber; however, in my case, I am willing to sacrifice the fiber to have some more security in not having to worry about having an accident.