Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

​Caregiver Burnout Part 2: Tips and Strategies for Taking Care of YOU

Written by Lauren Presutti | Nov 16, 2021 5:00:00 AM

This blog is the second in a two-blog series on caregiver burnout.

My previous blog on caregiver burnout acknowledged that it can be hard for caregivers to balance the needs of their care recipients needs and their own needs. Ultimately, I wanted all caregivers to know that your feelings matter, your mental health matters, and your own personal needs are equally important to the needs of your care recipient living with paralysis. In this blog, we will dive deeper into tips and strategies for addressing caregiver burnout.

You might not be able to treat yourself to a luxurious getaway or extended vacation, but those types of big absences from caregiving responsibilities generally don’t lead to long-term wellness anyway. It’s usually much more critical to find smaller, realistic ways of restoring and maintaining wellness that can be integrated into your day-to-day life on a long-term basis. Below are examples of ideas you can adopt on an everyday basis:

Practice self-care.

Prioritizing self-care means giving yourself the same compassion and care that you give to others. How can you possibly take care of other people if you are running on empty? The truth is that we all have mental health needs that we have to take care of, and if we neglect our own self-care, then we may become resentful, exhausted, or totally burned out – which is not going to serve anyone well. In fact, neglecting your own needs will likely cause lower quality of care that you’re providing to your care recipient, which is not good for them or you. Self-care helps us recharge our batteries so that we can show up for ourselves and others in authentic ways, and both you and your care recipient will benefit from your commitment to wellness. Your self-care might mean that you make time for your favorite hobbies, allowing yourself breaks, making sure you get enough social time with friends, attending to your own health, or, more broadly, allowing yourself to speak up for what you want and what you deserve.

Prioritize sleep.

As a caregiver, you need sleep! If you are helping with physical transfers or other tasks that require body effort, it’s critical for your body to rest and recharge each night. Overexerting yourself during the day and lacking sleep at night can lead to chronic fatigue, body pain, or injuries. Try to prioritize your sleep schedule by experimenting with bedtime and wake-up times – how much sleep do you need to feel at your best? Be consistent with your schedule and adopt healthy bedtime habits, such as avoiding electronics before sleeping, ensuring your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature, and experiment with bedtime rituals that work well for you. For example, you may find that journaling before bed helps you relax, you might sleep better using essential oils or stress-relief products, or you may like to listen to nature sounds as you sleep.

Adjust your boundaries.

Adjusting your boundaries might mean having an honest conversation with others about what you can and cannot reasonably take on. Depending on your specific situation, think about any changes that you can make in your social life. Consider any changes that might be possible in terms of how much you give to others. The following questions might be helpful:

Is there anything you can minimize in your life? Can you set a boundary in a particular area of your life to have more time for yourself?

Are you taking on more than what is necessary? Has it been hard for you to stick to your boundaries in the past, and has that led to you assuming more responsibility than what is necessary?

Are there any unrealistic demands in your life? Have your boundaries in the past been too flexible to the point where others have taken advantage of you?

Can you ask for help to create more room in your life? How might you network within your social support system to seek greater help? Do any of your social relationships have boundaries that feel too rigid, meaning you don’t feel comfortable asking for help from others? How can that rigidity in your relationships be more flexible so that you can ask for help?