Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

I Got Married

Written by Zack Collie | Dec 7, 2023 2:00:00 PM

On October 14th, 2023, I did something I thought would never happen. I. Got. Married.


I remember after breaking my neck and being diagnosed as a quadriplegic, thinking that I will never find true love because who would love someone that is paralyzed. I was in a dark place at that time and had no hope for my future. I focused a lot on what this injury took away from me, which was a lot. It took away my independence, my privacy, and my manhood. I can still remember the first time my parents showered me and saw me naked. I felt so ashamed and embarrassed. How would I ever find someone that could look past my disability and everything that comes with it and love me for who I am. I know I am not alone with these thoughts.


The first few years after my injury, I struggled a lot with insecurity and low self-esteem. I was not confident in myself and viewed myself as unlovable. I remember being in high school and not going to a single dance, including prom my senior year because I was embarrassed of my disability. My mindset was not right, and it was holding me back. Things started to change when I went to college. It was a few years post injury and I was looking forward to a change of environment, meeting new people, and growing myself. I started doing more things out of my comfort zone such as introducing myself to other people, joining clubs, and online dating.


Online dating was new, and a lot of people were doing it. Tinder was big and was my first introduction to meeting women online. I made sure in all my pictures I showed that I was in a wheelchair because I didn't want to hide my chair and false advertise. I wanted to start dating again and set myself up for success. My first thought was that I needed to be honest and open about my situation. Fast forward a year, I ended up meeting my now wife on an online dating app called Hinge. We connected and hit it off right away.