Doors have been the bane of my existence recently. For many people, doors symbolize beginnings. Opening a door symbolizes entering a magical world or discovering new opportunities. For me, doors can become an obtrusive nuisance.
You might ask: What about the accessible doors with the buttons? Functional and accessible doors are certainly an upgrade from the regular 18th-century door with an invisible pile of bricks behind it, which are all the rage where I live. However, they can also be pesky, especially when using my scooter. One day, I encountered a particular building with large double doors, and the accessible button was located opposite to the door that actually opened. For 10 minutes, I pressed the button, wheeled my scooter to the open door, and watched it close on me just as I was about to go through the door. Thankfully, someone opened the door on the side that I was closest to. Frankly, opening a door shouldn’t feel like playing a game of whack-a-mole where you are the mole.