Imagine a place where you can exercise, meet people, and play sports. A place where you have the feeling of pushing past boundaries and doing what no one thought you could do is empowering. Knowing you can improve your health and sense of independence and socialize with others who share your passion for a sport can build your sense of self. Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP) envisioned a place like this and made its vision come true.
While BORP began to offer virtual classes before COVID-19, the pandemic increased the need for virtual classes and workshops. With a $31,000 COVID-19 grant from the Reeve Foundation’s Quality of Life grants program, BORP was able to offer virtual fitness, adaptive sports, and recreation activities. In addition, the funding from the Reeve Foundation allowed BORP to increase personnel (instructors), expand programming, and hold a weekly support group for those living with paralysis and other disabilities. The increase in instructors meant they could offer more classes, leading thousands of people to participate globally. Those who take courses through their virtual program say they are "grateful for the program and its offerings." All of these services are popular among BORP's participants.