Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

Road Trip Tips

Written by EmpowHer Stories | Jun 20, 2022 4:00:00 AM

5 Tips for Planning an Accessible Road Trip

With the warm summer months just around the corner, many of us are eager to travel. Road trips are a smart way for us wheelchair users to see the world without the fear of airlines damaging or losing our wheelchairs. Last summer, my mom and I took a 5,400-mile cross-country road trip from our home in Pennsylvania to the peaceful deserts of Arizona and New Mexico and the beautiful mountains of Colorado. After months of being cooped up at home, it was a much-needed post-quarantine getaway and a great way to see so much of our amazing country.

I am not yet back to driving since my spinal cord injury in 2017, so I like to do my part by taking over the planning process and assuring everything will be accessible. Next time you’re getting ready to hit the road – whether it’s a solo trip or with friends and family – here are some tips on how to make your experience as wheelchair-friendly and stress-free as possible:

1) Book hotels in advance

Hotels only have a limited number of mobility-accessible rooms with the roll-in showers that many of us need, and they are typically first-come, first-served. I’ve learned the hard way not to rely solely on online booking systems when making a reservation a couple of times. It's always good to hear a human voice. Give the front desk a call and reiterate the importance of needing these accommodations. The staff are usually super friendly, eager to help, and will make sure your needs are met. It’s also helpful to book hotels ahead of time to guarantee you’re staying in close proximity to the attractions you want to see. This will help you avoid extra driving.

2) Research destinations ahead of time

After being on wheels for almost five years now, I’ve learned that you can’t count on every place being wheelchair accessible. It’s helpful to do your homework and to research accessible destinations and activities ahead of time. You’d be surprised how many really great travel blogs dedicated to accessibility are out there! Check out Curb Free with Cory Lee and WheelchairTravel.org. Posting in Facebook support groups and reaching out to local rehab hospitals near your destinations are great ways to get trustworthy information and reviews. I emailed some recreational therapists at Craig Hospital before traveling to Denver, and they pointed me to a local track-chair program at Staunton State Park, as well as paved hiking trails and adaptive sports centers.