The new international pages provide free, accurate, and culturally sensitive resources for people living with mobility impairment or paralysis. The new offerings include:
Additionally, translated publications such as the Paralysis Resource Guide, wallet cards, and patient educational booklets provide in-depth downloadable and printable information for individuals living with paralysis, caregivers, and health professionals in various languages.
“We continue committed to bringing our resources and programs to all communities impacted by paralysis,” says Patricia Correa, Associate Manager, Information Services and Translation.
“By adding the French and Chinese pages, we hope to bring much-needed accurate and reliable information to these communities in the United States and around the world. Access to our information and services in a person’s native language provided by the National Paralysis Resources Center can be the difference between surviving or thriving with paralysis.”
The resource pages provide an accessible and vital resource on all topics related to paralysis, ranging from causes of paralysis, secondary conditions, quality of life, and caregiving topics.
The Reeve Foundation will continue to expand its website with more languages in the coming year.