Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

My Why: Keri Maskell - Reeve Foundation

Written by Reeve Staff | Sep 19, 2022 4:00:00 AM

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, Team Reeve will take on the Bank of America Chicago Marathon! 2021 was a great year for Team Reeve Chicago raising funds for paralysis research! Keri will also be at the starting line on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at the TCS New York City Marathon!

Keri Maskell

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?

My inspiration for joining Team Reeve was a result of my step-dad of over 30 years falling and sustaining a spinal cord injury. After spending hours reading and learning about his injury and "why" it happened, I spent countless hours learning about resources available to improve his (and my mom's) quality of life. In my research, I stumbled upon the Reeve Foundation. I was immediately drawn to the Foundation and tried to learn as much as possible.

Upon speaking to a friend of a friend, I learned of Alan T. Brown and his amazing story and connection to the Foundation. At that moment, I decided to dedicate my next marathon to running for those who can't. Well, now running my 3rd and 4th marathon for Teem Reeve, my dedication and respect for the Foundation and the people they help has only increased immeasurably. Running the Chicago and New York City Marathon back to back will surely be a challenge, but I am ready for it. It is an honor and privilege to run for and represent Team Reeve!!

What has been the hardest challenge that you have overcome?

The hardest challenge I have had to overcome (in relation to fitness) has been an ongoing injury to my right IT band that eventually would cause it to tear. I underwent rounds of imaging, platelet injections, and a long course of PT to rehabilitate my right leg. After being told and thinking I may never be able to participate in an endurance event ever again, I set my sights on the NYC marathon, which then led to training for triathlons and eventually both the half and FULL IRONMAN!! My injury seems small, even foolish, compared to what our Team Reeve recipients endure. I decided to never complain about my injury, but to find a way to heal and re-enter the sport of running, which I love so much.

What are you doing to train for the marathon?

After just completing the Ironman in Lake Placid (with Dana) 2 weeks ago, my laser focus is now on Chicago. After 2 weeks of rest and recovery, I am back to strength training, mobility, yoga, swimming and of course ... running!!!

What are you looking forward to on the day of the race?

I think what I look forward to most on race day since joining Team Reeve, is meeting so many inspirational people. Hannah, Coach Mark, Kelly and so many others have left a lasting impression on my heart and in my life. There are so many people who are so selfless and so giving of their time to help others that I look forward to the weekend of events surrounding race day. Seeing Coach Mark at lunch, seeing all the posters with all of the runners’ names, hearing their stories, getting high-fived by Kelly on race day, seeing other Team Reeve jerseys on the course and of course .. the after-race celebration .. where me and my bestie, my partner in crime, “my sistah from anothah mistah,” Dana, enjoy our "ritual" ice cold beer! They don't call us the dynamic duo for anything!