Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

My Why: Elizabeth Baisley - Reeve Foundation

Written by Reeve Staff | Oct 24, 2022 4:00:00 AM

On Sunday, November 6, 2022, Team Reeve will take on the TCS New York City Marathon! 2021 was a record-breaking year for Team Reeve NYC, raising over $430,000 for paralysis research! We want to continue the momentum for 2022!

Elizabeth Baisley

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?

Joining Team Reeve was a no-brainer. The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is an organization that means so much to my family and me. In August of 2013, my brother Gary was in a diving accident where he shattered his C-5 and C-6 vertebrae leaving him paralyzed. I watched my brother’s dream of becoming an FDNY firefighter slip through his fingers; it was devastating. What killed me the most was that there was nothing I could do. Although my brother has created new dreams and aspirations, the thought of new technology allowing him to move his body again gives me chills. The work, support and resources the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation offers are life-changing. We are so grateful for this Foundation and all that it does. Running for Team Reeve and raising money is the least I could do for this amazing Foundation. So when I decided to run the marathon, I didn’t even think twice. Team Reeve was the team I needed to run for.

What are you doing to train for the marathon?

Training has been quite the journey so far. Between vacations, weddings and other events, squeezing in a run has been a little tricky. However, once I found my system, it has gotten easier! With the recommendation of our wonderful Coach Mark Zenobia, I have been following the Hal Higdon training plan. I will admit I have had to skip a couple of the short runs, but I am trying to stay consistent with the long runs.

My Uncle Tommy has run multiple marathons, and both him and Mark have emphasized the importance of those long runs. It can be hard to get out there at times, but I have them in the back of my head, screaming the importance. I have also included a few Orangetheory classes each month. If you have not tried Orangetheory, I highly recommend it! It’s my favorite workout to do on my cross-training days.

What are you looking forward to on the day of the race?

Last year I attended the NYC marathon for the first time as a spectator. Let me tell you; the energy was electric! I have never been so inspired. The emotions I felt while watching people push through the 26.2 miles were indescribable. It’s the reason I decided to run in 2022. That being said, I can’t wait to experience this on the other side of the fence. I can’t wait to see the city from a different perspective. I look forward to running the streets of the city I love, the city I taught in, the city us New Yorkers call home. Most importantly, I can’t wait to see how much money we raise together!