Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

My Why: Dana Hartman - Reeve Foundation

Written by Reeve Staff | Sep 12, 2022 4:00:00 AM

On Sunday, October 9, 2022, Team Reeve will take on the Bank of America Chicago Marathon! 2021 was a great year for Team Reeve Chicago raising funds for paralysis research! Dana will also be at the starting line on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at the TCS New York City Marathon!

Dana Hartman

What inspired you to join Team Reeve?

My inspiration for joining Team Reeve is Keri and her stepdad. I had run NYC once before through the 2016 lottery. At some point, I mentioned to Keri that I wanted to run NYC again, but the lottery was not very kind to me. She began to tell me the story of her stepdad as well as Team Reeve. I never looked back after that initial conversation. Keri and I ran NYC Marathon right before COVID-19 for Team Reeve, and I was planning on running in 2020 when the world stopped. Keri ran the race last year, and I was there to support her throughout the 26.2 miles. This year I am also running Chicago and the New York City marathon back to back. This is the least that I can do for such an amazing cause.

What has been the hardest challenge that you have overcome?

Almost all my challenges come in the form of mental. I use exercise as my therapy. As I said on my fundraising page, exercise is my way of relieving stress. It keeps me centered and helps me to find inner peace. Like so many other people, my brain tends to have a half-empty glass approach. This is a constant battle for me to keep the dialogue positive. I work very hard daily to keep that glass full, even if my brain wants it to be half empty.

What are you doing to train for the marathon?

2022 is the year of endurance events for me. I started the year with 70.3 Ironman Galveston, then conquered Escape from Alcatraz in June, leading me to my second Full Ironman in Lake Placid at the end of July. In September, I am on a two-person relay team to swim a 12 miler around Charleston and will run a ½ marathon at the end of September, a Chicago marathon in October, and the NYC marathon in November. I even might sign up for a 70.3 Ironman in December, but I want to get through the marathons first.

You ask how I am training, I live in a training state. I enjoy the training as much, if not more, than the actual race. I incorporate swimming, biking, running, yoga, meditation and strength training weekly into my schedule. Race day is a day to celebrate all the training I have put in; it has been a lot!

What are you looking forward to on the day of the race?

Race day is about enjoying all the hard work I have put in. I will enjoy seeing all of Team Reeve's athletes and meeting new team members as well. I was lucky enough to meet Hanna and Jerod Nieder at Escape from Alcatraz. Hanna and I raced together that day; it was like we were lifelong friends. I hope to have that exact experience with many Team Reeve athletes on race day . Also, running for so many with paralysis and knowing I am doing a small part for such a great cause! That is what race day is all about!