Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

CMS Opens Comment Period for Power Seat Elevation Cover - Reeve Foundation

Written by Reeve Staff | Aug 19, 2022 4:00:00 AM

CMS Opens Comment Period for Power Seat Elevation Coverage, Delays Power Standing Review


The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has long advocated for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to update the existing National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems. On August 15, 2022, CMS opened a National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for coverage of Power Seat Elevation Systems in power wheelchairs. The NCA is now open for public comment until Wednesday September 14, while the agency considers stakeholder input on whether to reconsider this policy to provide coverage for these systems.

As you may know, the Medicare program currently does not cover Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems in Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT) power wheelchairs for individuals with severe mobility impairments. Evidence shows these systems provide significant medical benefits and enable people with disabilities to be much more independent in their home and community.

Unfortunately, CMS also announced it will not be reviewing Medicare coverage for Power Standing Systems at this time and will postpone the review to a later date. The Reeve Foundation is disappointed with this decision since Power Standing Systems were included in the Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid (ITEM) Coalition’s initial September 2020 request for coverage. We will be actively working with our coalition partners and congressional supporters to persuade CMS to open the public comment period for Power Standing Systems as soon as possible.

The Reeve Foundation encourages you to share your views and let CMS know why it is important to provide access to these technologies. CMS must receive comments with your unique voice and explain why you support coverage of Power Seat Elevation Systems. In your own words, share the numerous health benefits you experience, functional benefits, and conclude with a message of gratitude for the opportunity to submit your comment. Additionally, you can also visit www.Rise4Access.org, operated by the ITEM Coalition to obtain related background information, educational materials, and tips for writing a successful comment to CMS.

CMS wants to hear from the community! Thank you for your continued support of this important advocacy priority, which will help people living with paralysis access the critical technology to live healthy and independent lives. If you are interested in adding your voice to our advocacy efforts you can sign up to become an advocate or contact Gerard Arnum, our Grassroots Advocacy Manager, at garnum@christopherreeve.org. Feel free to also reach out to Gerard if you need assistance with your comments!