Voices From The Community | Spinal Cord Injury & Paralysis

13 Years Post Injury

Written by Amber Collie | Jun 29, 2023 1:00:00 PM

May 31, 2010: the date my son broke his neck. I separated my life into two sections before and after Zack’s spinal cord injury. The life I had before his injury was extremely different to the life I have now. It feels like an entire lifetime ago my son was able to stand, walk, run, be in an upright position, get himself dressed and go where he pleases. At times, it feels like a dream that he used to do those things. 13 years have passed.

After the injury I was in shock and disbelief at the severity of my boy’s accident. It was just one moment in time. He ran into the ocean like he had done many times before and now at age 15, he is confined to a permanent wheelchair. I was forced into the spinal cord injury world of doctor appointments, physical therapy, wheelchairs, and daily caregiving. This is not something I signed up for but needed to do for my son.

If I could tell myself in the beginning where Zack was going to end up 13 years later, I’d never believe it! Zack has accomplished things that I would never have thought he would do even as an able-bodied person. The man he is now, because of his injury is someone I truly admire and look up to. He makes it look easy living in a wheelchair, but I know that is not true. Zack told me once he couldn’t afford to think negatively, he had to focus on the movement he still had, accepting his diagnosis, and taking steps to move forward not get stuck or stay at the pity party too long.

As Zack’s mom and full-time caregiver for over a decade I was there each step of the way. I knew we needed a plan and goals. 


  • 1st goal graduate from high school.
  • 2nd goal: look for scholarships and apply to a local college.
  • 3rd goal: try living on campus.
  • 4th goal: continue education with a master’s degree.